Our Supporters - Contributors
26/08/2011 17:11 - admin
2012-10-11 3:05:29

We are writing to express our deepest thanks for your recent donation to SEHYOG.

First slot of Appreciation Letters and Donation Certificates have been officially issued to the first 15 Contributors  and hard copy will be dispatched to respective communication Address Shortly.

Next lists are under process and will be displayed on monthly bases as per sechdule.

Generous Donations from donors provide the financial and moral support needed to continue our mission. With your faithful financial contributions over the years, you've demonstrated your deep commitment to our work. Your support has repeatedly played a key role in our success.

There is no way to fully express our gratitude for your loyalty. Again, many thanks for your contribution. It means the world to us.

Kamal Memorial Scholarship 2012 (1st Slot - List of 1st fifteen Donors)

Sehyogi / Contributor Amount (INR)
Mr. Inderpreet Singh Hidden
Mr. Joginder Pal Singh 10000.00
Mr. Balbir Singh Rana 5100.00
Mr. Harpreet Channa 10000.00
Ms. Isha Sharma Hidden
Ms. Vardeep Kaur 20000.00
Mr. Jatin Gurnal Hidden
Ms. Pooja Khehra Hidden
Mr. Ankur Thakur 2000.00
Mr. Parabpreet Singh 2000.00
Mr. Bhajanpreet Singh Hidden
Mr. Harjeet Singh Hidden
Mr. Surinder Singh Hidden
Mr. Ankit Hidden
Mr Rajeev Kumar 585.00